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Welcome to the Contributors Page!

We at MTRI must say thank you to various groups and people that have, and are still helping us in what has turned out to be a labour of love. There is certainly a lot of love but there is also a lot of labour.


First to the creators of Mix Tape radio International in August 2017.

  • Tom and Andrea, Janet and John.

Then in no special order thank you to the following


  • for our first and very Andreasuccesful web site. Built in a matter of days.

  • Jenny from Jenny's ART who designed and created our fantastic landing page image, and then donated it to the station. Thank you so much, Jenny.

  • Wendy Westwood our first LIVE DJ - still with us today and for a long time still we hope.

  • supporter, a Dave Watkins who has been a morale booster, and steadfast DJ from day one.

  • Those who have helped us financially - long may you do so, Dawn Denton, Las Latty, Tobias...

  • Dharana Shiva who gave us our first LIVE from Spain show. AND responsible for introducing us to some great bands and two other Spanish DJ's who have joined us.

  • Our Core of regularly syndicated broadcasters too many to list here. You will find them on our Broadcasters Page.

  • Last but not least all the artists who have given us their music to share, joined in in our chats on FaceBook, and kept us trucking on the darkest nights. They can be found on the Artists Page.

David Donaldson.jpg

Thanks must go to Dave Donaldson for alowing us to use this image.

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Address : Head Office  - Frome Studio 

John Walton

41 Rivers Reach


Somerset BA11 1AQ

United Kingdom

Address: Gelsenkirchen Studio

Thomas and Andrea Stankiewicz

Lange Str 2 45892



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